Here are a few of the custom mobile sites we have created recently.
Why Do You Need a Mobile Site?
Google statistics reveal that nearly half of all the people on the planet now access the internet via their smartphone, and this means they’re nearly *HALF* of all the people who may visit you online. Unfortunately, normal sites are either unreadable or impossible to navigate on the tiny screen of a smart phone. Oops.
The simple answer?
Let us create a custom smartphone mobile site for you. The pages load fast, and they’re easy to navigate. We’ll even program your *main* site so that cellphone visitors are sent automatically to your website, for an intelligent browsing experience.
The simple fact is that: if you deliver your offer to this half of the world, and your competition doesn’t … you win.
Our Powerline Press company provides fast and easy publishing of your book to Amazon and other book markets, both in print and in the rapidly-growing “Kindle” and other ebook-reader formats.
So we wanted the folks who find us, to be able to learn about us, even if they come visiting on their smartphone. To see our website with your normal computer, click here to visit To see our website on your cellphone, do the same. Visit .. but you’ll automatically see the special “mobile site” pages instead.
Fusions Thai and Chinese restaurant in Mt. Shasta wanted to make it easier for folks in Northern California, and folks traveling up and down Interstate-5, to find them.
So they had us create a special site for the travelers, because after all, when they’re driving along the highway, they have their smartphone, but the office/home computer is far away. They search for chinese food, and they find … Fusions! To see their website with your normal computer, click here to visit Coming soon: you’ll be taken automatically to the special mobile website. To see it in the meantime, on your smartphone, visit |
Voltos Industries, which operates CopyDragon web design, also manufactures an unusual type of musical instrument, called the Mobius Megatar.
And here’s an insider tip … Google *already* gives you bonus points when you have a mobile site. That’s because Google wants searchers to be happy, and half the searchers are using mobile phones. So Mobius Megatar had us build a special website for smartphone visitors. Visitors happy. Google happy. Mobius Megatar happy! To see their website with your normal computer, click here to visit And to see the mobile website, do the same. Just visit on your smartphone. You will automatically be taken to the special website for mobile phones.
Dos Geckos operates an outstanding taqueria in downtown Mt. Shasta and wanted to better connect with the people of Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area, as well as the thousands who visit scenic Mt. Shasta every year.
So they had us create a mobile site so that anyone searching on a mobile phone, can easily find the best burritos, tacos, and special platas available in Northern California! To see their website with your normal computer, oops! We’re out of luck, for they have no normal website yet! Coming soon: In the meantime, visit their mobile website on your smartphone, at |
And of course, here at CopyDragon web design, we practice what we preach. Because it works.
To see how we’ve adapted our normal website to the small and ever-moving screen of the mobile phone, just visit on your smartphone and you’ll automatically be taken to our special mobile site, where everything loads fast and is reformatted so you can experience our servic offerings easily.
And remember, if you contact us to investigate getting a special mobile site for *your* business, ask us about installing an instant “Tap to Talk” button on your mobile site. After all, they’ve got a phone in their hand, why not give them a one-tap way to call you?
Contact me now, to schedule a discovery session.