Arthur Cronos
CopyDragon Communication Center
Mount Shasta, in Northern California


Our specialty is profitable business-writing solutions, online and offline. For example —

  • Internet projects including: web copy, fast website mockups, shopping cart A to Z, opt-in email marketing A to Z, site graphics, rapid-production exciting-image videos, demo videos, landing pages, email capture, and creation of freebie bonus materials (books and videos with high perceived value).
  • Other on-time business project depth of experience includes: print newsletters, postcard projects, case studies (“success stories”), interviews to testimonial, press releases, business letters, ghostwriting, trade pub articles, and human interest stories.

You get powerful and persuasive materials because of forty years of real-world business-writing experience.

Background knowledge includes — telephony, CNC machinery, computer programming, web-development, wood-shop, guitar-building, music theory, synthesizers, voicemail systems, scripted marketing methods, employee selection and training methods, advertising, direct-marketing, how-to operations manuals, small-business management, bookkeeping systems, counseling, hypnosis, mind and meditation, nutrition and exercise.

Your Secret Weapon

Hi, I’m Arthur Cronos of CopyDragon webwriters. I’ve run a number of businesses (bookkeeping, advertising, answering service in San Francisco, voicemail companies), operated a guitar-manufacturing factory, worked as a private detective, author of six books and hundreds of articles, operate a small therapy practice in Northern California, and offer my seasoned research and presentation skills as a freelance commercial writer.

Over many years my clients (and my own business ventures) have profited by these tens of thousands of pages of manuals, advertising, sales scripts, articles, and program code, including all the types of writing listed above.

We operate our own webservers, and our staff of skillful business professionals is well-versed in effective online and offline methods; however, I do all positioning analysis and all copywriting personally. Because I like it and I’m good at it. All that practice, and I still enjoy perfecting my work … just a little bit more.

And I notice you’re still with me. Which means … Since you are still reading way down here, perhaps you have noticed that my writing style is persuasive?

You Shine. You Look Good. Your Life Improves

When you work with us, you win because I see to it that you do. That’s simply because I understand something of how business operates, which means you can skillfully enlist these superior communications skills in your service: attracting more customers, luring them ever closer, and entrancing them to stream money flows into your company.

You shine. You look good. And your life improves.

Fees are reasonable, communication clear, deadlines met.

You want what you want. I’ll help you get it.

When would be a good time for us to consider your targets?


Contact me now, to schedule a discovery session.


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